The Best B2B Websites Have These 5 Things in Common

The Best B2B Websites Have These 5 Things in Common


Did you know that 90% of B2B buyers search for products online before buying? Before you roll your eyes at that statistic (because everyone researches online, right?), it’s important to pay attention to it.

In order to grow your business, you need to be able to be found by these customers. If you’re not, you can forget earning revenue.

However, if you’re found no problem but they’re leaving your site without returning, therein lies the real problem. A poorly designed website drives customers away.

You want your site to compete with the best B2B websites, right? Then let’s take a look at what they all have in common so you can improve yours.

1. Speed

A low bounce rate means you’re doing things right. In fact, speed matters just as much to your ranking as any other SEO factor.

So, you want to focus on reducing a high bounce rate if you have one. Here are a few ways to speed up your site:

  • Compress files
  • Optimize images
  • Reduce HTTP requests
  • Limit amount of plugins used

Doing these simple tasks ensure your visitors won’t sit tirelessly waiting for content to load.

2. Content

Images and a few words said about your product aren’t enough for clients wanting to buy. Your B2B website needs to have excellent content.

To start, make sure your website contains all of these must-haves:

  • Contact information
  • Product specs
  • Pricing information
  • Technical information

All of these items contribute to your success. You should be able to sell clients as soon as they land on your site. They shouldn’t feel the need to keep researching to find basic information.

3. Personalization

Personalizing your B2B website means two things. One, you personalize content to the client’s liking (catalogs, brochures — all based on what they’re looking for). Two, you introduce them to the hardworking people behind your company.

Implementing both or one of these personalization techniques gives your site a more personal touch. Buyers looking at you will feel more comfortable knowing you understand what they’re looking for and that you care about your employees.

4. Images

In order to show your products in their best light, you need beautiful images. Grainy, blurry, or dark imagery won’t help you sell.

Instead, spend the time getting the perfect angles. Shoot your products from a variety of angles and backgrounds. Once you have a few, choose the best ones.

Think of your images as if you were shopping for your product. Would you be interested in learning more just by looking at one picture? If the answer is no, it’s back to the drawing board.

5. User-Friendly

Don’t make potential buyers search endlessly for what they’re looking for. Make it easy by placing your navigation menu in an accessible spot (preferably at the top of the page). The navigation menu should be clean and clearly state what each page is.

Is Your Site One of the Best B2B Websites?

After reading this, you’re probably questioning your design choices. While design plays a huge factor, so does accessibility. Implement these tips from the best B2B websites for the best design possible.

Or, if you don’t have the time, request a consultation about our web design services!


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